Archive | ഡിസംബര്‍, 2013

Tree of Life Haībun

15 ഡിസം


Friendly Fairy Tales

I dream here in this place of ancient magic, listening to the humming telephone wires. Oil wells beat like a thousand hearts. My roots stretch beneath the hill, into the frozen past. The dry desert sands cannot warm the hidden place where the Garden of Eden still flourishes, hidden from man these many thousand years. I was blown to this hill as a seed, more than 400 years ago.

mother lost in time
father wind threw me from her
alone in this place

A child fell, cutting his knee on a pottery shard. His blood watered the sand, pushing me into the soil. In his brief pain, he called to Enki, the Water God, who granted a year of beating rain. Was I blessed by Enki to outlive my kin or cursed to burn in the sun, gaped at by tourists?

symbol of forgotten time
outliving all loves


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The 8th Millennium BC in the ‘Lost’ River Valley

8 ഡിസം

The 8th Millennium BC in the ‘Lost’ River Valley.

Fatwa: Muslim women who swim in the sea commit adultery, should be punished

2 ഡിസം

If ocean is male the muslim men who swim in the ocean become gay. Is that permitted? Or is there any fatwa on that? Probably not. Because the fatwas are only meant for women. All marine products should be considered as the semen of the ocean. Can they be consumed by a muslim – man or woman? In many gulf countries purified ocean water is used for drinking. Now can a muslim use purified semen of ocean for drinking? If banana is forbidden to muslim women what about muslim men? Banana invariably resembles penis and that could remind oral sex. Is that permitted? What about breast feeding of male infants by muslim women? Now is it applicable to Shias, Sunnis and Jama-at-e-islami? Do all of them accept these fatwas or only one group? Which is the quran that based for all these fatwas?

Most Intolerant Religion

This is the most amazing and hilarious Fatwa by any Islamic Scholar or Islamic School, please read and share it as much to save Muslim women from getting punished.

“When a woman goes swimming, as the word for sea is masculine, when “the water touches the woman’s private parts, she becomes an ‘adulteress’ and should be punished.”

 – Summary of a report titled “The misguided Fatwas of the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis”, as published in the Al Masry Al Youm.

[India Today] A report by a committee set up by Al Azhar, one of the oldest and most prestigious Islamic universities in Cairo, to study the fatwas issued by the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis reveals how Islamists view women.

The findings of the committee’s report were published in the Egyptian newspaper Al Masry Al Youm. In all, the committee studied 51 fatwas issued by the Brotherhood and the Salafis…

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